art exam is finished!
only 3 more days, 3 more sleeps an 3 more exams left until freedom
FREeDoM fReEdOm fReEdOm...
... youtube- the life and death of a pumpkin.
To make an excellent: Mocha Milkshake
- 2x vanilla icecreams (the ones you get at the deli that are chocolate coated on a stick, like magnum)
- 2x expresso shots (i guess its easier if you have a brand new coffee machine!!245#%6^57%$)
- a wee splash of milk (full cream no cheating)
- maybe a couple bits of ice to cool down the expresso (if you have time let them cool first)
- normal icecream (chocolate or vanilla)
1. put everything in the blender!
2. blend for a while (not to long because you want it to be thick)
3. pour into big fancy glass
4. put a big scoop of icecream in the middle)
5. Drink up:)
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