Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
red light

how do you remember the definitions andexamples of
correspondence theory of truth
coherence theory of interpretation
correspondence theory of interpretation
coherence theory of truth
...they are all almost virtualy the same, but not.
well folks, after hours of palm cards and being suffocated in confusion... i did it
"thats great!"
Monday, May 24, 2010

honey honey your face is a mess.
dont you hate it when you go and cyber stalk (i know i am not alone :s) and you see all these pretty girls and models and really cool pictures and all you think about is wishing you could look like that, or dress like her, or take pictures as cool as those ones... and then you feel self consious and think about things you regret or want to change about yourself.
i know i am being a wee bit self contradictory seeming as i post pictures of twigs and arty photography that i like but you always wish you could do it better.
anywho... on a lighter note. SWEET DREAMS!
mocha milkshake

art exam is finished!
only 3 more days, 3 more sleeps an 3 more exams left until freedom
FREeDoM fReEdOm fReEdOm...
... youtube- the life and death of a pumpkin.
To make an excellent: Mocha Milkshake
- 2x vanilla icecreams (the ones you get at the deli that are chocolate coated on a stick, like magnum)
- 2x expresso shots (i guess its easier if you have a brand new coffee machine!!245#%6^57%$)
- a wee splash of milk (full cream no cheating)
- maybe a couple bits of ice to cool down the expresso (if you have time let them cool first)
- normal icecream (chocolate or vanilla)
1. put everything in the blender!
2. blend for a while (not to long because you want it to be thick)
3. pour into big fancy glass
4. put a big scoop of icecream in the middle)
5. Drink up:)
Saturday, May 22, 2010

whilst studying i have been rewarding myself with jellybeans! woo
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I'll buy everything you sell

I'm gonna burn my skin
I'm gonna cut my hair
I'm gonna grab a bit of me and stick it over there
I'm gonna take my meal, of two white pills
Cos i'm gonna look like you, yes i will
Gonna sell right out to the great white dream
Cos I too want to be a beauty queen
I'm just a teenage girl sitting in my room
With a bullet for a mirror looking for a broom
Cos i'd do anything in the world to look like you.
i got a FRINGE! I think i like it.
i love John Butlers album April Uprising, especialy the song 'to look like you'. it amazingg!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010

my current wish is to make it through the next 3 weeks without my head exploding and splattering everyone around me... i am fretting so much about exams... even though i shouldnt be and want hem to be over... NOW! i am also trying to conjour ideas for out art topic "still life as a metaphor" i am thinking painting realistic body prts and making them disguised as still life objects... and also getting a buch of old jars and in each one putting a flower at a different stage of life, blossoming, grown, dead... etc... but not quite sure as of yet... uber excited though. so then next few weekends will consist of ummm.. nothing.. and more nothing so fun times to come, but when its over... that will be the day! :s haha.
i had the most embarassing moment of my life today.
brace yourslef.
i was at the bus stop with heaps of people i didnt know and i was listening to my ipod playing 'here comes your man' and was wondering why it was so quite for a while... then i came to realise that my earphones werent plugged in and here comes your man was playing full blast outloud..
now i know why everyone was looking at me...
sick one
sorry for the personal post... with no personal photography :s
have a good cyber stalking session!
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